How to Turn Your Home Into an Effective Office

 There are a few things one has to do in order to convert one's home into an office, here we'll give you a glimpse at what it feels like to turn your home into a great office!

- Define an area

Designate a space that is to be your working area at all times or rather most of the time so you have a set place to work. More than this follow a routine that you can hold yourself accountable to, such as reporting to your work area at the same time each day. This will automatically make you more productive.

- Think vertical

Most of our homes tend to come with limited space, so it becomes important to utilize the space available to us well. Don't get bogged down by limited desk space, invest in some hanging shelves that come with some amount of storage space to help avoid clutter. A messy desk can affect your productivity in negative terms, so it's best to avoid it entirely. Not only this but hanging shelves add some character to your home office.

- Add some colour

Get some relaxing colours painted on the wall of your home office, something like red or blue that can put your mind at ease. More than that it helps zone off your office from the rest of your house and signals other family members that you are in the 'busy zone' and not to be disturbed. Or you could just do something as simple as adding flowers to your desk to liven it up.

- Invest in lighting

Without bright lighting in your room you'll never be productive, so invest some resources in making your office as bright as possible. It's proven that people tend to be more lethargic in winter months when it's darker and colder, and consequently lower on productivity. So in order to avoid that situation make sure you have a good mixture of natural and artificial lighting that stimulates the best productivity.

- Technology

It becomes important to have the right software to connect and network with the rest of your team in a productive manner. Tools like Skype and team chat are important for communication and other custom software of your company should be installed in your system to make the whole process productive. More than this invest in a decent internet connection that will ensure all of these clients and software run smoothly.


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